Friday, February 14, 2014

Source of our water.

 There are a few people carrying out cattle farming in our community. But because of the limited space, they do not have where conveniently they can graze them. This leaves them with no option other than keeping them around where they stay. They therefore share the open water source with those who cannot afford to connect to National Water and Sewerage Cooperation. 
This is where most of our children come from and we visited the place with Mrs. Susan during her visit.

Mrs. Susan wanted to know where we normally get the water. We basically use water provided by National Water and Sewerage cooperation at some cost. Whenever they disconnect us from the supply, we then resort to the open water source down where we went with Mrs. Susan. It is not very safe because it is located in areas where people graze their animals so the animals also use the same. We can also sometimes harvest rain water and we planned that one day we shall have a big water tank where we can collect the water to use after the rainy season. During the months of March, April, May, part of August, September, October, November.

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